Meet Your Favorite

New Employee

A fully-trained AI Chatbot that:

Meet Your Favorite

New Employee

Introducing House36 AI: Your personal 24/7 Conversational AI Assistant that books appointments seamlessly via chat or SMS that never sleeps, never gets sick, never needs vacation, and replies right away.

Never Sleeps

Never Gets Tired

Never Needs Vacation

Replies Right Away

See For Yourself

Test how House36 AI can work for you below

Click the link below and chat with AI in the bottom right corner

Easily Trained

We'll help you train your A.I. Assistant from your website, FAQs, and even Google Docs

Easily Taught

Thumbs-down any responses you don't like and the A.I. Assistant will ask you how it should have replied

Easily Customized

Customize the look and feel of your A.I. Assistant to match your company's branding

Playground Included

Privately converse with your A.I. Assistant to test and tweak replies

Powerful AI Models

Your A.I. Assistant runs on the latest and greatest of GPT models

Private & Secure

Your data is hosted on secure servers with robust encryption and access control.

Book Appointments 24/7

Imagine walking into your office and finding 3 new appointments from last night! This is what House36 AI can do for you. It learns all about your business and can answer customer questions on your website or via text. Plus, it's trained to steer a conversation into booking an appointment so no interaction is wasted with a potential customer.

Books appointments while you sleep

Online 24 Hours/day, 7 days/week

Works via Webchat and SMS

Saves You Time & Money

Hiring an extra staff member (especially a bad one) to answer questions and book appointments is a massive drain on your time and money. House36 AI is easily trained on your entire business within minutes, is incredibly consistent, and never takes a break. We promise House36 AI will be your new favorite employee.

100x Cheaper than Employees

Trained in Minutes

Saves You Time & Money

Hiring an extra staff member (especially a bad one) to answer questions and book appointments is a massive drain on your time and money. House36 AI is easily trained on your entire business within minutes, is incredibly consistent, and never takes a break. We promise House36 AI will be your new favorite employee.

100x Cheaper than Employees

Trained in Minutes

Frees Up Your Staff

It's a waste for your staff to answer the same questions over and over again. Instead, their time is better spent taking care of your customers. With House36 AI, all your FAQs are answered within seconds via webchat or text saving your staff time and saving you money.

Questions Answered in Seconds

Frees Up Staff to Help Customers

Trained Specifically for Your Business

73% of users

expect websites to feature A.I. Assistants for convenient interactions.

74% of internet users

prefer using A.I. Assistants for simple questions.

87.2% of consumers

rate their interactions with A.I. Assistants as either neutral or positive.

3X faster

A.I. Assistants have remarkably accelerated response times, answering 3 times faster on average.

Right Answers, Right On Time

Free up your staff's time and let your House36 AI handle questions from your website!

Meet The Founder

Nico Mannucci

I founded House36 Marketing with a vision to bridge the gap between local businesses and the ever-evolving world of AI. I realized that many local businesses have great potential but often struggle with implementing new technologies that could streamline their operations. My mission with House36 Marketing is to make AI accessible and easy-to-use, so these businesses can streamline operations, improve customer engagement, and ultimately grow their bottom line. I believe that with the right tools, every local business can take advantage of AI and House36 is here to help.

I founded House36 Marketing with a vision to bridge the gap between local businesses and the ever-evolving world of AI. I realized that many local businesses have great potential but often struggle with implementing new technologies. My mission with House36 Marketing is to make AI accessible and easy-to-use, helping them streamline operations, improve customer engagement, and ultimately, grow their bottom line. I believe that with the right tools, every local business can take advantage of AI and House36 is here to help.

© 2024 House36 Marketing